Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Draft Februrary 2021
1. Nature, purpose and objectives
1.1. Broadwater Action Group is an Unincorporated Association and is the property of its members and is a non-party political organisation.
1.2. Purpose:
To protect the New Barns, Broadwater Farm and Well Street Conservation Areas and their settings. To uphold the stated purpose of designated Conservation Areas and prevent inappropriate impact on these areas by development of Broadwater Farm and/or surrounding areas.
The Executive shall liaise and consult with East and West Malling Parish Councils, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and any other appropriate agencies on matters of concern, including the production of appropriate local plans likely to affect the area.
1.3. To carry out research, campaign and fundraise to realise the Purpose in 1.2.
2. Membership
2.1 Membership is free and open to all residents of Well Street, Broadwater Road, Springetts Hill, Lavenders Road, The Heath and New Barns and may be extended to other interested parties by invitation. Affiliations to other, local preservation groups and societies will be encouraged. Membership is by registration.
2.2. Only members of Broadwater Action Group, over the age of 16, are entitled to stand in elections for the Executive.
2.3. Meetings: There will be Annual General Meetings (AGM) of Broadwater Action Group the first of which shall take place between January 2nd and March 15th 2021
2.4. The outgoing Chair of the Executive shall give an annual report at the AGM. 4.3. Members will be given at least 21 days’ notice of the date and venue of the AGM.
2.5. Other general meetings shall take place at the discretion of the Executive or upon the request of at least 20% of the membership.
3. The Executive
3.1. There will be an Executive of up to five (5) members to be elected by Broadwater Action Group members to serve annually, with results announced at the AGM. The officers of the Group will include Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The election will be by secret ballot. Candidates shall be nominated by two members. The Executive shall have the power to co-opt additional members if necessary. Two additional non-voting members may be appointed as defined in 3.4 below.
3.2. The Executive will have overall responsibility for the website, communications, campaigning, liaison with other organisations, and any other function it deems necessary. The Executive will elect its own Chair who will convene meetings, put together the agenda, and chair meetings. A Secretary is to be elected from within the Executive to take and distribute minutes, and other functions as deemed necessary to ensure the smooth running of the Executive. The Executive will also decide on which elected members should fulfill roles within its organisation, these being; Campaign, Communication, Team Management, Finance, and Governance.
3.3. The Executive will decide on the number and titles of working groups needed. Each working group will be made up from Broadwater Action Group members, and they will appoint their own Team Leader to act as a Convenor and conduit to the Executive. Working groups will meet as directed by their Team Leader to fulfil their role and objectives.
3.4. East and West Malling Parish Councils can also have a representative each attending Executive meetings, but they will attend as observers having the right to speak but not vote.
3.5. The non-voting representatives will be responsible for organising the elections and overseeing the first AGM until the Executive is elected.
4. Equality and Diversity Policy
4.1. Broadwater Action Group, and its members, are committed to providing and promoting equal opportunities, eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity in the Community.
4.2. All members aim to create a culture that respects and values each other’s differences and which promotes dignity, equality and diversity.
5. Finance
5.1. Broadwater Action Group will raise funds as part of its campaign and these funds applied to tasks deemed necessary to accomplish the group’s aims by the executive. Accounts will be presented by the treasurer at the AGM
6. Duration and amendment
6.1. Whilst this constitution has already been adopted to facilitate the first election, it will be ratified by a majority vote at the initial Broadwater Action Group AGM. Subsequent amendments will require a two-thirds majority at a General Meeting, called if required before an AGM.
6.2. Broadwater Action Group will exist until a meeting of members decides that its purposes have been accomplished.
7. Conduct
7.1. The Chairperson can be removed from their role by a majority vote of other Executive members. The Executive would then arrange to vote a new Chair from its members.
7.2. Any member of the Executive can be removed from their position within the Executive if a majority of other Executive members or at least 20% of Save BAG members raise concerns about their conduct. This would then instigate a vote from the Executive to decide if the member of the Executive should be removed.
7.3. Where concerns are raised against a particular Team Leader, either by the Executive, by other Team Leaders or by their own Team, the Executive will review the circumstances and vote on that Team Leader remaining in their position, or whether they should be asked to leave.
7.4. Where any member is found to be acting in a way that discredits Broadwater Action Group or seriously impedes its aims, the Executive will review the circumstances and vote on whether that person is removed as a member.
7.5. The Executive (Steering Group prior to first AGM) reserves the right to refuse membership to any individual if it has reason to believe, on a balance of probabilities, that the individual holds beliefs contrary to the aims and objectives of the Group.